Wednesday 15 August 2012

Atalanta & the Map of Scarborough 
~ a Real Life Adventure
(All images are reversed until installation)

Draws inspiration from the Edward Bawden Map for the Pavilion Hotel (1931) held and now permanently and prominently displayed at Scarborough Library. Incidentally the Bawden map inspired the first piece of collage artwork I had displayed at Gladstone Rd..

Life is and adventure. We can never know everything. Maps contain things we recognise and many things we don't. Life follows this pattern and if we embody the adventurous spirit of our inner small child we will continue to find each day has new and often amazing discoveries for us! Even if you stay in one place ~ LOVE LIFE it's colourful.
Detail of the rainbow jewel~like spirals, representing that which is to be discovered in life. Embracing everything good or bad ~ there is no difference, we can learn from everything.
Bottom section completed showing reversed; Scarborough Spa, Spa Bridge and The Grand Hotel
This mosaic map was inspired by the Edward Bawden Map of Scarborough in Scarborough Library, and my own experience of amazement and fascination at seeing my first map of the town after moving here aged 8. The map at the time was displayed in the then entrance to the Children's Library and is now after considerable restoration work, on prominent display upstairs in the Library's Crush Hall.

The little girl's name is Atalanta ~ the Greek warrior Goddess of adventure, she was a great runner and was turned into a lion by Aphrodite.
She wears the Gladstone Rd Infants School uniform. She is outside the frame of the picture but still part of it via her beautiful blue shoes.

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